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Branch head of Nepal Investment Mega Bank takes own life amid boss’s alleged ‘torture’; suicide note discovered

KATHMANDU: In a tragic turn of events, Nirajan Devkota, the former head of the Hetauda branch of Nepal Investment Mega Bank, has reportedly taken his own life due to extreme mental stress and pressure.

This shocking incident occurred when he jumped into the Trishuli River in Dhading on Monday evening, raising concerns about the working conditions and pressure faced by professionals in the banking sector.

According to local authorities, Devkota’s decision to end his life followed a series of investigations and intense pressure from the bank’s central office regarding loans disbursed by the Mega Bank Hetauda branch.

Unable to bear what he perceived as ‘torture’ in the name of these investigations, he tragically chose to take his own life. Authorities are currently searching for Devkota, but his body has not yet been recovered.

The incident unfolded near the new bridge in Gajuri Rural Municipality Ward No. 5 Ghatbesi of Dhading District, where Devkota stopped his motorcycle on Monday evening.

He removed his shoes and, according to witnesses, jumped into the Trishuli River. Despite an extensive search effort on Tuesday, his body remained elusive.

Local police and officials were alerted to the incident when a fisherman witnessed Devkota’s fateful jump. Upon arriving at the scene, they discovered his motorcycle (bearing the number BA 03-005 P 4176) and his abandoned shoes. Despite their best efforts, Devkota’s body remained submerged, adding to the tragedy that has gripped the community.

Reports suggest that Devkota left behind a suicide note that allegedly sheds light on the abuse and pressure he experienced, singling out individuals including the CEO of Nepal Investment Bank as the primary reasons for his extreme actions. However, the authenticity of the suicide note has yet to be officially confirmed.

This heart-wrenching incident has raised questions about the work-related stress and pressure faced by professionals in the banking sector.

There are even indications that a case of incitement to suicide may be pursued against the top management of the bank, as the incident transpired when Devkota, who had left his job, was summoned by the bank and traveled to Kathmandu.

This tragic event serves as a stark reminder of the mental health challenges and pressures that employees across various industries may grapple with, underscoring the importance of workplace well-being and support systems.

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