More than 2,000 containers stranded at Sirsia port

KATHMANDU: As the containers could not pass the Sirsiya dry port more than 2,000 containers have currently stuck in the customs yard and there is a shortage of space for other containers. Among the total containers, some of them are empty containers.

According to the office, the container has been stuck in the country’s port of Birgunj Metropolitan City-25, Sirsiya, which is connected to the railway network with India since the transition period.

According to the Nepal Intermodal Transport Development Committee under the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies, there is a lack of space for other containers at the port of Kolkata.

At present, some of the 2,639 containers waiting in the customs yard are in the process of leaving while others have not been able to do so due to lack of customs clearance.

One train generally has 90 containers and now three trains are arriving on a daily basis. The old stale containers could not come out, which has affected the customs yard.

The contractor company Pristina Valley has won the contract for the dry port for five years at a cost of Rs 33.3 million. There are four Reachstacker machines at the port.

Of the four additional Reichstacker machines that the Himalayan Terminal is supposed to give to the Intermodal, three have already been built and one is being repaired. There is a problem in loading and unloading the container as the machine is not delivered on time.

This is due to the fact that the number of cargo arriving at the dry port by rail is increasing day by day and the containers cannot be lifted on time due to lack of adequate Reichstacker machines.

Due to the fact that only four Reichstackers belonging to the Indian company Pristine Valley operate the port, the machine has been used to empty the containers of the railway racks instead of unloading the goods in the trucks of the industrial traders.

Fiscal Nepal |
Monday February 8, 2021, 09:52:36 AM |

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