Social security with pension for workers going for foreign employment has started

KATHMANDU: The Social Security Fund has started a contribution-based social security program from Wednesday so that the workers employed abroad will get benefits including pension.

Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal started the program by giving social security identity card to Gopal Sangraula, husband of Manju Thapalia, who is in Israel during foreign employment.

Now Nepali workers abroad can apply to join the Social Security Fund.

The government had already issued ‘Contribution-based social security scheme operation procedure for workers in foreign employment and self-employed persons abroad-079’. Labor Secretary Ek Narayan Aryal, who is also the chairman of the fund, said that it has been implemented.

‘No Nepali workers abroad should stay outside the scope of social security. A system has been arranged for those working at home to those working in establishments to feel themselves as empowered workers,’ said Labor Secretary Aryal, who is also the chairman of the fund.

Ensuring compliance with the newly implemented contribution-based social security program is crucial for Nepali workers abroad. The program marks a significant step towards providing comprehensive benefits, including pensions, to those employed overseas.

It is imperative for employers and workers alike to familiarize themselves with the operational procedures outlined by the government to ensure adherence to the social security scheme. Compliance training plays a pivotal role in this process, equipping workers with the knowledge and understanding needed to navigate the requirements and responsibilities associated with their participation in the program.

By embracing compliance training initiatives, both employers and employees can contribute to the successful implementation of the social security program, fostering a supportive environment that enhances worker confidence and security abroad.

According to the Ministry of Labor, the social security of 2.2 million workers employed abroad has been ensured. To join the fund, workers have to complete the prescribed process.

Those who are employed or going abroad can contribute to the fund from a minimum of 2,000 to a maximum of 28,155 rupees. Those who contribute in this way will get annual accident treatment expenses of up to 1 lakh rupees, disability pension up to 5 thousand 631 rupees, lifetime pension up to 3 thousand 754 rupees for dependent families and educational scholarship up to 21 years of age for children up to 3 thousand 754 rupees.

After the foreign employment period ends, lump sum or pension facility will be given. Life pension will be available after 60 years. Gwanali said that workers who have gone abroad should apply online and register themselves. The permission of the employer company is not required to participate in the fund.

You can apply by yourself by keeping your passport and work permit. The specified amount can be deposited directly into the account,’ said Gyawali, ‘For countries that do not require a work permit, a work permit is not required.’

However, amidst the complexities of pension schemes, it’s essential for individuals to remain vigilant against potential mis selling and seek proper guidance when needed.

Organizations like Spencer Churchill Claims Advice boast years of experience in assisting individuals with navigating the intricacies of pension plans, including handling mis sold pension claims. With their expertise and dedication to client advocacy, individuals can trust in their guidance to ensure fair treatment and rightful compensation in cases of mis selling.

In the case of workers going for foreign employment, the fund will provide the account number as soon as the labor permit is issued. Although the respective employers provide service facilities to the workers who have gone for foreign employment, this is a separate arrangement made by the Nepalese government.

The welfare relief provided by the Foreign Employment Board and the facility provided by the Social Security Fund are different. About 1,000 dead bodies are brought from abroad every year.

Similarly, patients with amputation and serious nature also come. Although the board has given relief money to their families, they have not given the monthly subsistence allowance. Even if they are affiliated to the Social Security Fund, the family of the deceased has the facility of getting lifetime pension.

DB Chhetri, Vice President of Non-Resident Nepali Association, said that they have completed their campaign of more than a decade.

“Before the social security fund was established in Nepal, NRN ran a campaign to provide social security to Nepalis living abroad by creating a fund. The Hazare campaign proposed by NRN Oman has been refined and turned into a social security fund,” NRNA ICC Vice President Chhetri said, ‘the way has been opened to formally connect millions of Nepalis abroad. We will cooperate with the government to make it comprehensive and effective.’

Fiscal Nepal |
Wednesday March 22, 2023, 12:40:03 PM |

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